Use "reduce to tears|reduce to tear" in a sentence

1. He has in his grasp the ability to reduce anyone to tears, through a snappy headline or lurid story.

2. How to Reduce Anxiety.

3. It becomes the subject of innumerable short stories and songs, of films that reduce their audiences to tears.

4. To reduce abject poverty.

5. Atomized: to reduce to fine particles.

6. Atomizes: to reduce to fine particles.

7. Atomize: to reduce to fine particles.

8. Her public Avowals to reduce …

9. Comminutes: to reduce to fine particles.

10. Countered: to strive to reduce or eliminate.

11. The Cheetahs famous black "tear-streaks" may reduce glare like a football players eye-black

12. Hydrogen sulphide to reduce metabolic activity.

13. The project aims to reduce homelessness.

14. Antilemic to reduce cholesterol or triglycerides

15. Use ice to reduce the swelling.

16. We need to reduce our overheads.

17. How to Reduce Customer Churn 1.

18. She exercises to reduce the waistline.

19. How to Reduce the Bullwhip Effect

20. To Reduce Fears and Increase Confidence

21. Thus, adding ammonia to aerosols may reduce their acidity (i.e. reduce the concentration of H+ ions).

22. Companies may intensify production, improve productivity or reduce output - all of which tend to reduce employment.

23. Techniques to reduce or abate emissions to air

24. Synonyms of Atomizing. to reduce to fine particles

25. Reduce abstraction

26. Atomize: To reduce to or separate into atoms

27. You need to reduce your alcohol consumption.

28. They petitioned the government to reduce taxes.

29. We're working to reduce overlap between jobs.

30. Our aim is to reduce road casualties .

31. Bridging anticoagulation aims to reduce patients' risk

32. • Their attempt to reduce trade Barriers failed

33. We need to reduce the speed slightly.

34. This will help to reduce production cost.

35. It is expedient to reduce unnecessary expenditure.

36. This helps to reduce shrinkage and cracking.

37. Such wage increases tended to reduce profitability.

38. Other medications greatly reduce blood loss during surgery (aprotinin, antifibrinolytics) or help to reduce acute bleeding (desmopressin).

39. Reduce Texturing

40. Tips To Reduce Spitting Up Curdled Milk

41. Map-Reduce to Aggregation Pipeline; Aggregation Reference

42. Try to reduce your intake of fat.

43. The new governor pledged to reduce crime.

44. Let's try and reduce it to formulas.

45. How to Reduce Backspin on My Drive

46. 9.25 Devices designed to reduce aerodynamic drag

47. Wear proper clothing to reduce mosquito bites.

48. Reduce speed.

49. Explain how to reduce Barreling during forging

50. You want to reduce green house gases.

51. Partnership with Hellmann’s to reduce household food-waste. Beworks is proud to announce our partnership with Hellmann’s to reduce household food-waste

52. Antipruritics are medications that reduce itching. Antihistamines, such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl ®), are commonly used to reduce itching

53. It can be used by any organization that wants to improve resource efficiency, reduce waste, and reduce costs.

54. Try to reduce your tasks to more manageable proportions .

55. Their dams help reduce soil erosion and can help reduce flooding.

56. What conditions are needed to reduce murder to manslaughter?

57. We need to take drastic steps to reduce pollution.

58. How to Reduce Risk When Investing In Bonds

59. Antiperspirants help to reduce the production of sweat

60. Acetaminophen is also used to temporarily reduce fever.

61. It is the first vaccine to reduce infections .

62. We'll need to reduce the weight by half.

63. It also could help you to reduce dyspepsia.

64. Antiperspirants help to reduce the production of sweat

65. • Achieving efficiency gains while aiming to reduce inequality.

66. The company must reduce costs to compete effectively.

67. The government's overriding concern is to reduce inflation.

68. 4 Try to reduce your intake of fat.

69. 3 Their attempt to reduce trade barriers failed.

70. It uses binding to significantly reduce boilerplate code.

71. It can reduce me to a hopeless Blitherer

72. Such Adaptations allow plants to reduce water loss

73. · Alternative measures to reduce emissions from relevant sources.

74. You can reduce your exposure to these events.

75. The combined effect was to reduce mortality rates.

76. Demonstrates how to reduce flicker with double buffering.

77. Reduce your expenses.

78. So, some health care units have opted to work on abortions to reduce death and infection risks, sterility, and to reduce internment time

79. Actively work to reduce risk in specific positions.

80. Better street lighting might help to reduce crime.